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The investigation department of the GMC Defence Services Srl conducts several types of investigative activities, both for the protection of rights and the collection of judicial evidence.

These activities are performed through the fulfilment of information and operational services by our investigative collaborators, who are qualified not only by their extensive experience in the field but they are also supported by the best advanced technologies.
You can find the investigation services provided by our agency below:

  • GPS Tracking;
  • Research on missing people;
  • Criminal defence investigations;
  • Marital infedelity;
  • Pre-marital investigations;

  • Child protection and control;
  • Counter-tailing;
  • Industrial counter-intelligence;
  • Investigations for trademark protection;
  • Disloyal employees control;

  • Inventory shortage check;
  • Commercial information / debts recovery / cadastral certificates;
  • Miniaturized video recordings;
  • TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) / Highly qualified environmental decontamination;

Private investigation

The private investigator conducts in-depth searches for sources of evidence, gathering all the information required for each individual case and disclosing legally valid material in court: for these reasons, this figure is an essential tool for the protection of the rights of both private citizens and companies.


The investigation department of the GMC Defence Services Srl,, which operates nationally and internationally, employs investigative collaborators with proven experience; furthermore, they believe in strict ethical values that reflect the principles of confidentiality, empathy, and professionalism. Thanks to our exclusive partnerships, we can provide our customers with a highly specialised information and technological consultation.


The GMC Defence Services Srl is in possession of regular licenses issued by the Prefettura di Roma and operates in full compliance with the current regulations on private investigations.
You can find a list of private investigation services provided by our company, below:

  • Research on missing people;
  • Criminal defence investigations;
  • Investigation on partner’s infidelity;
  • Pre-marital investigations;
  • Collection of evidence related to incompatible behaviours with marriage relationship (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, etc.);

  • Child protection and control;
  • Documentation about unofficial work activities for the alimony check determination (LEGGE 54/06);
  • Investigations on the effective patrimonial and income capability of the spouse and children of full age;
  • Investigations on suitability of places, people, and everything related to the child’s custody;
  • Examination on behaviour do not comply with child’s interest;

  • Investigations and evidence collection in defence of stalking victims;
  • Commercial information / debts recovery / cadastral certificates;
  • Miniaturized Video Recordings
  • TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) / Highly qualified environmental decontamination;
  • Investigations and evidence collection on controversial inheritance.


The GMC Defence Services Srl provides its customers with tracking and monitoring services using the latest generation of miniaturised GPS devices. Our devices have the function of monitoring vehicles or people, so that the customer may receive an immediate feedback on the location of his target of interest. Through the use of these devices, our experts are able to start targeted and most cost-effective investigations for our clients and then provide accurate feedback for ongoing investigative works.

Business and commercial investigation

The private investigator conducts in-depth searches for sources of evidence, gathering all the information required for each individual case and disclosing legally valid material in court: for these reasons, this figure is an essential tool for the protection of the rights of both private citizens and companies.


The investigation department of the GMC Defence Services Srl, which operates nationally and internationally, employs investigative collaborators with proven experience; furthermore, they believe in strict ethical values that reflect the principles of confidentiality, empathy, and professionalism.


Thanks to our exclusive partnerships, we can provide our customers with a highly specialised information and technological consultation.


The GMC Defence Services Srl is in possession of regular licenses issued by the Prefettura di Roma and operates in full compliance with the current regulations on private investigations.


You can find a list of business investigation services provided by our company, below:

  • Services for the protection of business interests;
  • Investigations and examinations on the reliability and loyalty of employees;
  • Counter-tailing;
  • Industrial counter-intelligence;

  • Inventory Shortage Check;
  • Verification of the observance of the non-compete clause;
  • Investigations and protection of trademarks and patents;
  • Investigations aimed at verifying territorial exclusivity rights;

  • Collection of evidence to document the just cause of dismissal;
  • Examination of the behaviour and reliability of sales forces;
  • Intelligence and industrial counter-intelligence;
  • Advice on corporate protection and security.

Environmental decontamination

TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures)

Thanks to decades of experience acquired in the field of private investigations, information gathering, and data analysis, our agency has been able to develop a series of analysis protocols and operational procedures with the aim of investing our best human and economic resources in the protection and safeguarding of the private and corporate rights.


For this reason, the GMC Defence Services Srl provides its clients with environmental remediation services (TSCM – Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) to ensure the protection and security of personal data and sensitive information at high risk of vulnerability. Our analyses, carried out by highly qualified professionals equipped with advanced instruments and state-of-the-art technologies, can supply a snapshot of the global security level.


In the event of a positive risk, our company provides the customer with all the countermeasures needed to increase, restore, and maintain a high degree of information security and thus manage to classify an environment as safe.

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